Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? During the month of March, everyone is invited to learn about making healthy food choices and developing healthier eating and exercise habits. This year's theme is "Beyond the Table." This theme feels so fitting for us at the Yardley Farmers’ Market (YFM). When I think of what happens beyond the table, it makes me think of everything our farmers do to get wonderful, fresh, healthy and tasty food to us at the market. It also reminds me of sustainability and decreasing food waste, at home, at work and, really, everywhere.
Learn What’s Involved in Growing Your Food
There are many ways you can learn about how your food is produced. Take a trip over to YFM and talk with the people who are growing and harvesting your food. Our farmers and food producers will be happy to answer your questions and may even let you sample products or provide recipes for foods that are new to you. Some local farms even have tours, so people can see how they operate.
You also can grow your own fruits and vegetables at home. Want to try gardening but have limited space? Grow herbs or lettuce indoors. Tomatoes, peppers or strawberries may work, too, if you have a patio or porch with enough sunlight. Not quite ready to get your hands in the dirt, I mean soil? Many local farms offer programs, which include Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) or “farm shares” of produce during a growing season. Depending on the farm, additional products such as eggs or meat might be included. Our summer farmers, Abe’s Acres, Love Grows, and Solly Farm, all offer CSA’s for different family sizes and budgets. Be sure to talk to them to learn more.
Beyond the Table
People rarely talk about the foods they toss out, yet the topic of food waste is getting a lot more attention these days. It’s been estimated that Americans throw away billions of pounds of food each year either at home or when eating out. Not all food that is wasted can be saved and eaten, but it’s been proven that a lot of food waste could be prevented, especially at home. One idea for decreasing food waste at home is by creating new dishes from leftovers. Get creative by transforming meals into soups, salads or sandwiches by cutting up leftover veggies and cooked meats.
Another idea for decreasing food waste at home is by composting. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “composting is nature’s way of recycling. It is one of the most powerful actions we can take to reduce our trash, address climate change, and build healthy soil. By turning our food scraps and yard trim into compost, we transform our waste streams into a beneficial, value-added soil amendment and use it to protect the environment and create resilient communities.”
Want to learn more about composting? Be sure to talk with Heather from Kona Compost at the market. She is a wealth of knowledge and always eager to share it with folks!
Source: Information adapted from The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, National Nutrition Month materials. Learn more at: https://www.eatright.org/about-national-nutrition-month.